We invite you to attend our 11th A.G.M. on Monday 25th September 2017 in An Cridhe at 7pm. Our Directors’ Report and Financial Statements will be available on the website in advance of the meeting taking place. Please note that the Chair’s signature has been redacted on the online version. A non-redacted copy is available for you to view if you contact the office.

All Full, Associate and Junior members are welcome but only full members are eligible to vote. If you would like to check your status, please contact info@ancridhe.co.uk

Any full voting member or Associate member can apply to stand as a director by putting this in writing to the Chair of Development Coll Ltd, at the address below, seven days prior to the AGM. The deadline for entries is therefore 18th September, 2017.

The agenda for the 11th AGM is as follows:

1. Welcome and apologies

2. Reading of notice of meeting

3. Minutes of 10th AGM; to be agreed and signed.  View Draft minutes of the 2016 AGM.

4. Reading of auditors’ report.

5. Address by chairman (Lavinia Maclean-Bristol)

6. Receiving of accounts for the period ended December 2016 together with the reports to the directors and auditors.

7. Re-appointment of directors co-opted by the board from the membership since the last AGM:
a) Heather Davis (a member co-opted as a director on 4th May 2017) who ceases to hold office and, being eligible, offers herself for re-election.
b) Laura Oliphant (a member co-opted as a director on 4th May 2017) who ceases to hold office and, being eligible, offers herself for re-election.
c) Samantha Martindale (a member co-opted as a director on 4th May 2017) who ceases to hold office and, being eligible, offers herself for re-election.

8. Re-appointment of directors retiring by rotation:
a) Lavinia MacLean Bristol (elected by membership at 9th AGM, 24th February 2016) who, being eligible, offers herself for re-election.

9. Re-appointment of RA Clements as auditors and authorisation of directors to determine the remuneration of the auditors.

10. Any other competent business.

11. Conclusion of the meeting.

Immediately following the AGM, the directors will convene a directors’ meeting in order to appoint office-bearers and to co-opt directors from the associate membership and elsewhere.

The Directors

An Cridhe – Coll Community Centre
Isle of Coll
PA78 6SY