11 am – 6pm Drop in session in An Cridhe
Tea , Coffee and Cakes
6pm-8pm Members of the Housing Group available to discuss project

Iona MacPhail, from ACHA will be available to talk to people in confidence about their housing needs.

Come along if:
You are interested in the project and want to know more
You are on a Housing List
Your current home is unsuitable and you need alternative housing
Someone in your household needs or is likely to need housing
You know someone with strong local connection to the island that requires housing
You currently rent but are interested in owning your own home

The Project has momentum;

• A Housing Working Group has been formed and meets regularly
• Interested partners; Rural Housing Scotland; ACHA, Argyll & Bute Council keen to build of least 2 houses on Coll ; Scottish Land Fund to assist with purchase of suitable site, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) providing support.
• Six landowners on Coll have offered to sell sites for housing, but an options appraisal has yet to be carried out by external partners to determine most suitable plot
• Funding made available for initial work

However evidence of housing need has to be clearly established, the last survey completed by Rural Housing in 2012 showed a need on Coll for 4-6 houses.
We need to confirm that if houses are built there would be tenants to move in.